Sunday, November 20, 2011


Decided to run the Westfest 5K this year.  Dave, April and Norma were going to run it too and there was talk of "Team Hendrickson" shirts.  Ummm no was all I thought, I am pretty sure they were kidding, but  Things have been going really well with running lately and working out with Jared has made me feel really strong.  I was excited to see what I could push myself to.  I was also excited because Clyde and Mike came to be supportive and I got a picture of me running!

My final time was 27:57 - My best ever!!  not only did I FINALLY break the 30 minute mark (which has been a goal for awhile) I beat it quite nicely!  It was a really great feeling and a fun race.


Lisa said...

My goal is to keep up with you on Thursday morning. You are awesome. I love when you blog you really blog!! I just hope for no more dry spells!