Friday, April 17, 2009

Time to come clean

Turns out that I am nothing more then a giddy little high school girl! I realized this as lizzy and I got our seats for the opening day showing of "17 again" C'mon now - you know he is cute . . . . look at this picture!

This was my attempt at taking our picture in the movie theater -- it clearly sucks, but a great memory!

Yes, we are geeks. I am not embarrassed!

When the movie started there was a lot of "ahhhh" and "ohhh" and clapping as Zac came on screen. Pretty funny actually - I heard some hollering from some guys as well . . . . anyway (lizzy wondering if they are trying to become him) During a scene in the movie he spins a basketball on one finger and the girl behind us says (loudly) He Can Really Do That!!
And the below video is for my good friend Lizzy -- IT HAS THE DANCE SCENE!!!!
I apologize for the spanish subtitles, but now we can all learn some phrases in another language.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fun with Eggs

April and Lisa decided to organize their own neighborhood Easter egg hunt this year. First of all I would like to say - Way to go! I love that they wanted something to be better and did it themselves. They have never done this before and it was great! Amazing turn out and VERY organized I was super impressed.
There were 4 age group areas, and a super special gold and silver egg in each area. I was asked to hide the gold and silver eggs (which was quite an honor!) and I had so much fun!

I love this picture with all the eggs

I couldn't believe how many people there were!

How cute is this picture?

April and Lisa - The founders

I love this picture of Lisa explaining the rules to the crowd. I took this right after she said "don't take my picture!" oops!

Sam and Dave collecting their eggs

The kids looking over their loot (I love this picture!)

Me and Angi modeling the coveted special eggs. (BTW my favorite part was when Dave came up to me and said "just tell me where they are")
Thank you again to April and Lisa for organizing such a great event and letting me be a part of it. I am looking forward to next year!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Our First Overnight Guests!

Allison, Hannah, and Nick were in town this past weekend and we were lucky enough to get them for a night! I couldn't wait to see them, and set up their rooms in our new house! (I wonder if I will ever stop being so excited about the house . . . )

We made and decorated sugar cookies, and the kids decorated some plates while the cookies baked. Here are the fabulous results -

And then there was Remi - the kids LOVED him! It took a moment for them to get used to his size, but it was quick! Before I knew it, Remi was following the kids around and didn't care where Mike or I was! Also, the kids and I were bug hunters (in my jungle house) and Remi was our "Panther" helper - it was so fun!

Here is one of the many pictures I took of Remi and the kids. I was so happy that he was so so docile with the children. It is such a blessing to have a docile animal around little children. (that was for you April)
I think they were the most upset about having to say goodbye to Remi when it was time to go!

Look at the Awesome present that they brought for our house! I am so excited to start hanging things on the wall - but having to decide what wall, height, size of item, etc is killing me!!
Thanks again for coming we had tons of fun!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Has it really been a month?

The title of this post really says it all - I can not believe that we have been living here for a month!! The time has gone by super fast and we still have A LOT to do. I thought I should post some pictures of how the house is coming together. You will notice many blank walls in these pictures -- Please send your decorating ideas to Thanks!!

After many weeks of looking at bedding we have finally found some that we like!! Thank you to Bed Bath & Beyond for having something that would work for us, A HUGE thank you to April and her mom for tracking down a coupon for little 'ol me :) and yeah for my now "grown up" bed!

Dan and Lizzy came over for a game night and to see the house - we had so much fun! Lizzy is holding a mini cadbury creme egg (ask her why . . . . )
I LOVE this picture of Macey -Mike and Dave brought this chair in the house and set it on it's side. Macey decided it was a perfect way to watch TV - I agree!!
And now some picture of the boy ---------
This picture is NOT POSED. Remi was down in the basement and Mike was looking out the window. Next thing we knew, Remi wanted to see what was out there too!!

This is probably his 2nd or 3rd day in the house - he knew it was home pretty quickly.

The boys together hanging out in the man cave, I can't believe they let me upstairs to take a picture . . . .
OK so we have this awesome new tub with a door instead of a curtain. I figured it would be perfect to give Remi a bath in -- I think I forgot how big he is because it was an adventure. Mike thought it was so funny he took a bunch of pictures. Good news is he smells better.

The other night April, Angi and Neve came over. Remi LOVES her. He kept licking her forehead and wanted to be anywhere that she was. This picture is him trying to get as close to her as possible, and I thought it was just adorable. (she liked him too BTW)

I promise to post more then once a month from now on, as the house comes together and we return to our normal life. In fact we are looking forward to our first overnight guests this week -How exciting!