Dave and April went to Hawaii and we got their kids for the weekend (did you know that 4 kids is a lot????) The Weeds were nice enough to suggest we all go riding and the kids were SO excited. We loaded everyone up (after some pre packaged outfit drama lol) and headed to 5 mile. We were about 1/2 way there when it started to rain and Mike looked at me like "really? this is a terrible idea" while I tried to distract the kids by playing 20 questions. (side note: playing 20 questions with Sam goes a little something like this -
me: Is it a person?
Sam: no
me: is it a place?
Sam: Do you need me to just tell you?)
We finally got to where we were going to set up camp and it looked like this -

Sam was NOT happy about the rain situation (and neither was Mike) while I was trying to think of a plan B. Dallen said "let's just set up the canopy and see if it passes" Logan was being so great about the whole thing he kept finding random blue spots in the sky and saying "look Sam, those are happy clouds!"
Finally the rain stopped and we actually got some nice weather. We got a fire going and unloaded all the machines. I loved that while I was helping Neve get used to Pearl (the Ranger) Mike came over and said "Sam is killing me, you have to hurry and take a picture" I turned around and saw this
Just chillin by the fire waiting for everyone. Such a great kid and so patient.
The kids loved the Ranger and we spent the majority of our time on that. Sam kept saying "everyone, do no hands!" We rode for awhile and then did lunch over the fire.
Lyn told us that roasted Twinkies were delicious - I had my doubts (and so did Sam) but we tried them anyway.
They were actually really good! I couldn't believe it because I don't like Twinkies, but really everyone give it a try, I think you will be pleasantly surprised!
Grace LOVED Neve and followed her around all day long. I also think that Neve was loving the attention because she wouldn't eat her hot dog for me, Mike or Dallen, but when Grace tried she was all over it. I love that I captured this picture - so stinkin cute!
Oh and Grace made Neve this "relaxation station" which she loved
When the day was winding down Dallen asked Logan if he wanted to ride a motorcycle - Logan got really excited and looked at me "Can I?" and I said sure not knowing how Dave and April felt about it, but thank goodness they weren't mad at me! He did so great!
I felt this same way at the end of the day, but it was beyond worth it! Thank you again to the Weeds!