Friday, April 17, 2009

Time to come clean

Turns out that I am nothing more then a giddy little high school girl! I realized this as lizzy and I got our seats for the opening day showing of "17 again" C'mon now - you know he is cute . . . . look at this picture!

This was my attempt at taking our picture in the movie theater -- it clearly sucks, but a great memory!

Yes, we are geeks. I am not embarrassed!

When the movie started there was a lot of "ahhhh" and "ohhh" and clapping as Zac came on screen. Pretty funny actually - I heard some hollering from some guys as well . . . . anyway (lizzy wondering if they are trying to become him) During a scene in the movie he spins a basketball on one finger and the girl behind us says (loudly) He Can Really Do That!!
And the below video is for my good friend Lizzy -- IT HAS THE DANCE SCENE!!!!
I apologize for the spanish subtitles, but now we can all learn some phrases in another language.


Lizzy said...

It was AWESOME!!!!!!

Keith and Allie said...

I'm excited to see it too! Some of me and my girlfriends are going next Friday. We didn't dare go on opening weekend! He is such a hottie!

Nielsen Fam said...

You and Lizzy are such 2 peas in a pod, you big DORKS!!! I understand you even talked one of my girlfriends into taking your picture. I try to act like I don't know Lizzy as much as possible! Just kidding you gals are great!

Hendricksonblog said...

I'm trying to convince Ella to love him.

Kate said...

Tu mejor amigo! LOL Oh you guys.

Mama H. said...

Looks like fun. We miss having our "movie recommeder" living in-house.