Monday, February 18, 2008

Keri in Vegas over Presidents Day

My niece Hannah (pictured above) loves Hannah Montana (shocking!) and while in Vegas we went to see the Hannah Montana 3D Concert Movie. Here are some pictures of me, Hannah, and Allison in our stylish 3D glasses!
We also went to the Mirage were they have set up an animal exibit with dolphins, tigers, lions, panthers, and more! Here is a picture of me and Hannah with a whitle lion making our best lion "grrrr" face - mine looks a little like a scary smile :)

The lions were HUGE and we were actually VERY close to them - this picture does not do it justice, but it was very cool.

Stay tuned for more exciting pictures from Disneyland!!

Almost 2 weeks and counting, I am very excited!!


ashley said...

Hi it's ashley... since you stalk me I figured I could do the same. You and Mike should check out U23D, it's amazing! Unless you don't like U2... Cute pics!