Thursday, February 26, 2009


Here is the picture I took as I was leaving our final house walk through. It is so pretty! Everything is so clean looking and smelling and I can't wait to see our stuff in it. We close on Monday and will start moving our stuff in soon after :)

You are all welcome to come over and hang out!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Did we actually make it?

I told someone the other day that in the past I have said (to pregnant women) "wow, that went by fast!" I now know that inside they really wanted to kill me.

It did not go by fast at all, but we have actually made to the end! Stopped by the house today, and for the first time it really felt like our house. I set my purse on the counter, took my shoes off, and started to see how this next chapter of my life is going to be.

The new stuff is carpet, shower doors, concrete, stairs (from garage to house and outside back door), appliances, and oh wait EVERYTHING is done. They are actually talking about doing our closing this weekend. Yes, you read that right - we could be moving in this weekend. I understand if you need a moment ------ I feel the same way!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sick of house pictures?

Well Here you go! A post without any house pictures - can you believe it?!?!?!

Here is a picture from an AWESOME game night we had with the Matt, Angi, Dave and April. I knew it was going to be fun, but whoa! Thanks for the ab workout guys - I laughed really hard the entire night! (Matt, Dave and Mike - I know that you had fun and can't wait to do it again!)

Also, I just got back from another visit to Vegas. So fun! The first day there I got to go to tot-nastics with Keith, Allie and Nick.

I wanted Nick to get into this, but he wasn't interested. I figured I should show him how fun it could be huh?

I think he liked pushing me more then the idea of getting in . . . . . . . .

These kids are too cute! I love this picture - don't they look so grown up?

The super great Nigbur family - The reason I travel to Vegas baby! (that was for you Keith)

I had such a great time with the kids and our adult time was awesome too! (Allison is the best bean farmer) Thanks for having me!

I was there over Valentines Day and thought you might enjoy Nick's cuteness!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Let there be light!!

A quick stop by the house today (before my big trip to Vegas!) and I discovered some very exciting changes!

Lights, light switches, outlets, sinks, toilets, and counter tops - I never knew I could be so excited about such simple items!

Have I mentioned that I am excited and ready to move in??!?!?!?! (BTW Dave & April - I guess I have a really bad memory because it is SO not your same counter top!)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I almost cried!

So I stopped by the house on the way home from work today (which I never do) and I screamed! I don't know if there is anyway to get my excitement across in this post, but I will try by using A LOT of exclamation points!!!!! I went to Clyde and Normas and made Mike go back to the house with me to share in all the joy!

I present to you . . . . . Our Kitchen!! Complete with cabinets and floor!! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it!

Kitchen with "Breakfast Nook"

And yes, I am still insanely excited that I will now have a laundry room - and here it is! (weird picture, I know, but its a hard one)

Can't wait for you all to see it in person!!