Monday, March 3, 2008

Mama, don't go!

As some of you may have noticed, Keri's Disneyland countdown has only 1 day left. Remi decided to "help" her pack for the trip - except he has this habit of slyly trying to keep you from leaving. He thinks if you can't pack, you can't go and leave him.

I know it looks posed, but he does that every time one of us packs to leave, puts his big ol' paw on your clothes and looks at you with those sad eyes...err, eye.


Hendricksonblog said...

Hey Keri,
I dont see any underwear or socks on that bed, you might need those!!

Mama H. said...

Too cute! We're excited for Remi's stitch removal today. Hope that will make like easier for all of you. Have fun, Keri!

Kate said...

Eye. Singular.

I'm sorry but that was seriously so funny!