Friday, November 27, 2009

November Rocked!

November has been a super fun and eventful month at our house! First off I turned the big 3-0!! Wow, I am officially an adult now - yeah! Below is a picture from our big night that was taken by the driver (named Frank) that Mike hired to take us around town (that was pretty cool!)

Here is a picture of me, Mike and our nephew Logan. We took him to Play! a video game symphony at Abravanel Hall - it was super fun and I am pretty sure he loved it too :)

Thanksgiving Morning I participated in my first 5K Race. I was REALLY nervous about, well everything. How many people would be there? What if I couldn't do it? How different is outside running then a treadmill? The list goes on and on, but I won't subject you to my crazy.
Anyway - I LOVED IT! Turns out that being outside with a MASSIVE group of people is totally my style. I am already looking forward to my next race!

Also, I decided to give cooking Thanksgiving dinner a try this year. WOW it was a lot of work, but some yummy results. I am most proud of my apple pie. Yes I am putting pictures of food on my blog, oh well, that is me now. The crust was ridiculously hard for me and I had to roll it out about a million times, but it was quite delicious!

It looks very simple, but took a very long time to get to eating part. I guess that is what Thanksgiving is all about right?

Hope everyone had a great holiday!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

More Family Pictures

This picture makes me smile, I am going to title it "Life with a puppy"
This picture it totally Remi's personality, I love it!

Thanks again Ashley - You rock!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Keith and Allie were nice enough to let me spend Halloween with their family in Vegas (and Mike was nice enough to hand out candy while I was gone!) We had a Great time (as usual) and I am already looking forward to next time!

Hannah and Nick were waiting for a pony ride and not interested in looking at the camera :)
Master pumpkin carvers hard at work

I sure do love this cute family!

This is one of my favorite pictures because it is not posed, just a lot of love!

We went to a Halloween party Friday night. Here is the end of a "mummy" game we played - we almost won!

Is it just me or does it look like Keith and I just wanted to go on this ride? (Hannah and Nick are with us in case you were wondering!)

Oh man - This guy did not do very well in the haunted house!
Hope everyone had a great Halloween like we did!