Thursday, August 6, 2009

Good to know

A good friend (and recent marathon runner) told me I should have my feet analyzed to make sure I am wearing the right shoes. I decided to go do it today and I think you should go do it too! It was quite interesting to learn all about my feet and the way that I walk.

1. I have high arches

2. I put pressure on my heels when I stand

3. I put pressure on the outside of my feet when I walk

4. My feet are wide (oh yeah I already knew that)

Here are my new runing shoes! I hope that we will become fast friends and that they will be supportive in all my goals! When I showed them to Mike he said "they're purple."

Oh yeah and the store had a running ad on the wall that said "Because I am loving every awful minute of this" which I think is my new moto. Happy Running everyone!!


~Rachel said...

I have these same pink...and I feel like I am running on marshmallows! They are so nice!

Never thought of having my feet analyzed...hmmmmm

Kate said...

I loved going to the running store. Which one did you go to? It's fascinating! I would have never thought to buy narrows, but they have changed my life.

Keri said...

I went to the Striders in Layton - would totally recommend to anyone! (in fact call me if you go, I would love to go again!)

Hendricksonblog said...

How much?
I ask that because my shoes are a ridiculous price, but you must pay it or you pay for it.