Monday, December 15, 2008

Fun Times

Hilarious! I hung out with Dave, April, Logan, Ella, Sam, and Neve on Friday night. SO FUN! We ate pizza (I ate mine a little too slow . . . ), played Munchkin (Logan completely destroyed everyone) and played the Wii. I had a complete and total blast and this video is a reminder of some of the funny moments from the evening. It was hard to choose between this and "Keri throws like a girl", but this won out in the end (sorry April!)

In other news, they are moving along on our house! (Finally) Here is a picture of the poured cement for Mike's beloved garage. They are supposed to start framing tomorrow, but we are due a big storm tonight. Guess we will see if they are hammering in the morning!


Lizzy said...

Super cute video! I loved the "cheese"!

Hendricksonblog said...

saw the house partially framed today-----good, veddy good