Last weekend I got to visit my favorite family in Las Vegas! Unfortunately me, Nick, and Allie got pretty sick (thus no Movie review Monday) but we still had a really good time! I was really excited to attend Hannah's ballet recital - check out jiggy & co. to see a video of the cutest ballerina ever! Here are some other cute pictures from the tripMy favorite part of this picture is that it was not planned or posed. I was sitting in the chair (I think we were watching Keith play Guitar Hero) and Hannah came over and sat on my lap. Then Nick wanted to be with us too, so he climbed up - they are so cute!
The Nigbur Family playing "High School Musical Karaoke" How great is this?
Yeah! I got to take Nick to "tot-nastics" and it was SO FUN! My camera battery died pretty quick so saddly there aren't many pictures of this, but we tumbled, jumped, hung on bars, and practiced handstands.
This picture makes me laugh everytime I look at it. Nick wanted to show me his gum :) what a cute kid.
This is the confetti from some toys that I got the kids. Glad they liked it . . . . . cute picture . . . . . . . . sorry to Keith and Allie for the mess!!
Quit bringing messy toys in to our home. We miss you, and are glad you came!
I have a similar confetti picture. I still find little remnants everyday. Ella is trying to save it all in a drawer in her room.
Ha Ha. Kids love confetti. Gracie is hoarding some in her closet...and in the car.
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