Sunday, June 29, 2008

80's Bash

Saturday Night Mike and I were invited to birthday party for Craig (his boss). It was his 40th birthday, and his wife organized an awesome 80's themed party at Market Street. I had to take a picture of the invitation because I thought it was so creative!! You can't see it very well, but the bottom picture is from Craig's prom - it was very 80's style inspiring :)

I am sure you will all be shocked, but Mike didn't really want to dress up. His hair actually has some red dye in it (I was very proud of him), but you can't see it very well.

Here are some of the people that Mike works with. Pick your favorite outfit!!

I wanted to organize a "women of Microworks" picture. Plus the girl in the front is my pick for 'outfit of the night' -- WOW! She looked great, plus Mike and I kept saying, where do even find a walkman these days???

Here is the birthday boy!!

The party was really fun and we are super glad that we decided to go! I am sure that I had a much better time here then I would have at my high school reunion - don't you think??

Macey Miles turns 1!!

I can not believe that it was one year ago that I went to the hospital and got to meet Macey Romney Miles for the first time! It was so exciting and here we are one year later as my good friends Dan & Liz celebrate their daughters first birthday!!

This was actually a pretty crazy weekend for me and Mike! We had the Seinfeld concert Friday night, Macey's birthday party was Saturday afternoon, and Mike's boss was having a party Saturday evening (see next post). **Side note** Saturday was also my 10 year high school reunion - whoa! obviously I did not attend, but I thought it was worth mentioning that I am getting older.

Anyway, because Mike and I were scheduled to have such a crazy Saturday, Remi got to have a sleepover with his cousin Winnie and I took this picture while we were driving to drop him off. How cute is it that he is using the arm rest as his own personal pillow?

Jerry Seinfeld

Mike and I were lucky enough to get tickets to Jerry Seinfeld! The show was last Friday at Abravanel Hall and we had a lot of fun! The opening comedian was Tom Papa (who I have never heard of) and I thought he was pretty funny. A lot of his material was about being a father and how crazy kids are, but he did other stuff too. You should check him out.
Here are some of my favorite moments from the show:
"SALT LAKE CITY!! You got the salt, you got the lake, you got the city - You are a triple threat!"
"I think the world would be a much better place if people would just realize that "sucks" and "great" are not that different. I mean think about it - a hot dog at a baseball game sucks, but it is so great. you have an ice cream cone and the ice cream falls off? that sucks! you throw your hands in the air and say "oh great"
"Until I got married, I didn't realize I had so many 'tones' in my voice. The voice that I am using right now to communicate with you people . . . . . . is not welcome in my home"

Las Vegas!!

Last weekend I got to visit my favorite family in Las Vegas! Unfortunately me, Nick, and Allie got pretty sick (thus no Movie review Monday) but we still had a really good time! I was really excited to attend Hannah's ballet recital - check out jiggy & co. to see a video of the cutest ballerina ever! Here are some other cute pictures from the trip

My favorite part of this picture is that it was not planned or posed. I was sitting in the chair (I think we were watching Keith play Guitar Hero) and Hannah came over and sat on my lap. Then Nick wanted to be with us too, so he climbed up - they are so cute!

The Nigbur Family playing "High School Musical Karaoke" How great is this?

Yeah! I got to take Nick to "tot-nastics" and it was SO FUN! My camera battery died pretty quick so saddly there aren't many pictures of this, but we tumbled, jumped, hung on bars, and practiced handstands.
This picture makes me laugh everytime I look at it. Nick wanted to show me his gum :) what a cute kid.
This is the confetti from some toys that I got the kids. Glad they liked it . . . . . cute picture . . . . . . . . sorry to Keith and Allie for the mess!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Movie Review Monday!!

This week the movie is: The King of Kong: A fistful of Quarters

Never heard of it? I thought that might be the case, so here is the preview - watch it :)

OK, so if you are thinking "What is this weird video game movie trailor that Keri just made me watch?" I completely understand, but please keep reading. THIS MOVIE IS FANTASTIC.

It is a documentary from the same director that did "Shut up and Sing" about the Dixie Chicks.(did I spell that right?) It follows the 'gaming world' and shows you what that world is like - which believe me is facinating - but mostly the movie follows 2 guys who are trying to obtain the highest score on Donkey Kong.

I will be the first to admit, that even as a lover of video games and movies, I spent the first 5-10 minutes of this movie thinking things like "what am I watching" and "wow these people are a whole other level of geek." BUT WOW is this movie amazing, and captivating and you find yourself very concerned for the charachters and their outcome. I think it would be great even if someone had made it all up, but it is a documentary!!! You will be blown away by the things you see and your reactions to them. Where else would you see a map of a donkey kong board showing the angles at which the springs bounce? (I couldn't find a photo) or someone getting 600,000 points on their first guy? These are just a few examples of some things you probably think you don't care about, but believe me, you will.

For once I will not be telling you anything about the ending or main parts, because I seriously doubt that many of you have seen this movie, BUT PLEASE GO RENT IT. If you don't want to rent it, let me know I will burn you a copy. You need to watch this movie!!

Please post a comment once you have seen it, and I would love to sit down and discuss it with you :) Thanks for reading and see you next week!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

You asked for it . . . .

Here is how you make the dip from the "Landscape party" - Super easy and yummy!!

1 block cream cheese (any variety you would like) *cut into half*

soak in soy sauce - I do 20-30 minutes on each side

take out of soy sauce and coat in seasame seeds (regular or toasted)

bake in the oven (I do mine on tin foil) 300 degrees for about 20 minutes. You can also do it at 200-250 degrees for a little longer since it is summer!

While warm serve with crackers (I like it with ritz), apples and pears (or anything you think would be good)

This can easily be changed by the amount of time you soak the cream cheese in the soy sauce and how thick the cream cheese is. I have also made it the night before, put it in the fridge and baked it the next day. Mike saw me making this and said "what are you serving? that looks weird" and then he loved it!! It was also a hit among Mike's family.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Movie Review Monday! (on a Tuesday)

And now for our Movie Review Monday reading pleasure - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull!!

Since this is the first one, let me fill you in on a few things (for those of you that might not know . . . ) I am a complete and total MOVIE GEEK AND SNOB, clearly I have no problem with this. I am not looking for everyone to agree with me (and people usually don't) and these are just for fun. Above anything else though, I love movies!! I love everything about them - even the bad ones (gives you plenty to talk about) Also - I am warning you now - my reviews will always have spoilers, I assume if you are reading it - you have seen it. There you are BE WARNED, there are some of you reading that I ruined "City of Angels" for - I refuse to apologize any longer for my past mistakes.

Moving on - The new Indiana Jones movie. Where to begin? If you are a die hard Indiana Jones / Steven Spielberg / George Lucas fan, then you should absolutely see this movie. I compare it to people that thought Star Wars: Episode one was good. It wasn't. This movie has many of the same problems. If you would like to sit through a movie that looks like it was made back in the 80's (like the old ones) then here you go. Me? not so much, I think that if you have new technology at your finger tips, then maybe you should use it. Also, I heard a rumor that this story line is something that Spielberg wanted to do back in the day and people told him No. After seeing the movie - I know why he was turned down.

The filming is bad, the storyline is cheesy (far beyond the old ones), the set up for yet another Indiana Jones was a little thick for me, the ending was TERRIBLE, and overall my expierence was not good. The sad reality is that I kept telling myself to expect the worst but deep down it was INDIANA JONES!!! How could you not be excited? I heard one review that said "I think people are remembering the old movies a little better then they actually were" . . . . maybe that is true? All I know is that this movie has come and let me down - like so much that Spielberg and Lucas have done recently. Shane - they are officially out of the counsel FOREVER (not that I would fight to keep them in)

All time great memory from seeing this movie : (A quote from my best firend Lizzy) "What was with the plastic people? Plastic people aren't real people!"

On a brighter note: LEGO Indiana Jones for the Wii. I have not played yet, quite sad actually. Very excited and will let you know ASAP. Someone at work said to me the other day "How do have time for movies, TV and video games?" All I was thinking was What?!? I need more time for these things!! Different priorities I guess . . . . . . .

Coming Soon

So I am chatting with Kate the other day (AKA Susan) telling her that I have nothing to blog about! Mike and I tend to have boring (standard) days and not much to write home about - you know? Anyway, I said "I kinda want to do movie reviews" and she said "You should do Movie review Monday!!"


From this point forward I will be posting a movie review every Monday :) I missed yesterday, but maybe I will still do one . . . . we'll see!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Landscape Party!

As a Fathers Day present to Clyde (my father-in-law), Mike and all his siblings decided we would gather on a Saturday and finish the landscape project for the front and backyard of Clyde and Norma's house. There were 12 Adults and 8 children (not to mention 2 children on the way!) Here are some of the highlights.

Here is "Uncle Mike" holding our youngest neice, Halle. She was facinated by the hair on his arms - I can't believe we got her to look at the camera!

Of course we brought Remi along for the fun and he kept following our neice Kylee around. We thought it was pretty funny, she was trying to get away and it looked to me like he wanted to play tag with her.
April was swinging with Halle and she liked it so much, she fell asleep. I thought this picture was pretty cute (and Mike was proud that I got a picture of April)

Here is the chaos of mulitple children wanting to get in the hot tub and play. No one except me and Mike seemed to think this was funny, but we were laughing pretty hard.

And here is what happens when you ask Mike to spend all day doing yard work. I also love that Remi just thinks it was time to lay down.

It was a fun day and it was good to see everyone. Kylee let me hold her AND jump on the tramp with her!! This was a first for us and I am very excited! (too bad there is no picture to prove it!)